Gloomy Weekend, Perfect Flowers

September had a very hot start in Columbus, most days were humid and in the mid 90s. Things took a sudden turn this weekend, all rain all the time. Winds have dropped the temperatures to the mid-60s by Sunday. Not a single sighting of the sun. I get it... weather talk is about as exciting as watching paint dry, but people here do it all the time because it changes so rapidly! Honestly, I still have whiplash over this change. I wanted to just stay inside under some blankets and eat grilled cheese with a warm soup. But, I forced myself to go outside. I'm so glad for it because I bought these flowers at the supermarket as a little pick-me-up. And, honestly, it goes to show that a few dollars worth of flowers can go far in adding a fresh look to a space. Not only that, but it took my mind off the windy rainy mess outside. So, here's to brighter days ahead (at least they will be inside my home).

Supermarket Flowers

“Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a humble beauty to supermarket flowers. They are not often thought of as a glamorous purchase, but they are inherently pretty simply because they are flowers! I wanted to focus on these little bouquets and highlight the interesting parts of them. Starting with a small bouquet of carnations.